Thursday, May 15, 2014

"From Rebellious to Reconciled"

“The God of Heavens Armies” no longer sees me as rebellious, but as reconciled. 

In the Old Testament, the Lord, the God of Heavens Armies, is often seen giving warnings to His people for their continuous rebellion against their creator – the one true God. Even in His harsh warnings to these incredibly sinful people of His, He still speaks of His love for them and His insatiable desire to show mercy toward them if they will return to Him. Though there were some godly men and women along the way, none of whom were perfect by any means, the majority continued in their rebellion against God. So, the God of Heaven’s Armies (one of my favorite names of God), who could wipe us all out in one fatal swoop, saw fit to come down from heaven to us instead. He knew we would continue in our rebellion, in and of ourselves, so He did the perfect living for us and died the death we deserve as a result of our sin. In fact, it PLEASED Him to do so according to Colossians 1:19. The one true God doesn't require us to live in perfect obedience and work our way to Him – Praise God! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Are you Satisfied?"

Dear daughters,

Sometimes, no matter how good your life might actually be, or might seem to be to others, you still won't be satisfied. It's no secret that even the most successful people by our world's standards are still not content with their lives. 

I remember when I was young, I couldn't wait to grow up, fall in love, and have a family of my own. Sometimes I can't believe I am now living that reality. I've often struggled with either looking so forward to the future or reminiscing about the past to the point that I've failed to truly live in the present. This is nothing new. It's an age old struggle, this "grass is greener" mentality. Why have people struggled to find happiness and satisfaction for so long? Why, now that I am living my lifelong dream of being a wife and mother, do I find myself on my worst days wishing I could drive to a distant city where no one knows me and have an adventure or two before coming back home? I imagine it's the same reason those people out there who are seemingly living those adventures I often crave, are possibly wishing for the life I now possess.