Sunday, July 13, 2014

Awkward Lindsey and What God Has To Say About Insecurity

My best childhood friend (who was also in my wedding and I continue to love dearly!) sent me this picture recently…

Yep…soak it in. It's fifth grade Lindsey in all her glory.

As funny as it is now to look back at old pictures of myself, this little picture brings back many memories. That girl was in a full on AWKWARD stage, that I'm afraid lasted beyond fifth grade. (Truth be told, I'm not sure it really ever ended.) If I had to sum that age up with one word, I have a feeling it would be the same word many would use to describe this phase of their lives: Insecure. 

As women especially, we deal with insecurity from a young age. I'll let you in on a few fifth grade Lindsey insecurities…

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Oh That You May Know Him!"

Dear daughters,

I can't believe how you are growing, learning, and developing each day! I feel so blessed to be your mommy and watch you become the women God created you to be. 

Ivey, you are three years old and so excited about life! You have such a fun personality; you're smart, funny, silly, loving, tender-hearted, strong-willed (like your momma!), and you soak up the world around you like a sponge! You love to learn and talk about new things. I am praying I will be faithful to use these important, early years to pour truth into your heart, and prayerfully, watch the seeds grow into fruit down the road. I pray daily that God would draw you to Himself at an early age, and captivate your heart for His purposes. I know He created you with great purpose and He has given you such a special little personality and spirit I know He intends for great things! I pray you would come to know your true identity as a REAL princess – a daughter of the one true King.