Dear daughters,
I can't believe how you are growing, learning, and developing each day! I feel so blessed to be your mommy and watch you become the women God created you to be.
Ivey, you are three years old and so excited about life! You have such a fun personality; you're smart, funny, silly, loving, tender-hearted, strong-willed (like your momma!), and you soak up the world around you like a sponge! You love to learn and talk about new things. I am praying I will be faithful to use these important, early years to pour truth into your heart, and prayerfully, watch the seeds grow into fruit down the road. I pray daily that God would draw you to Himself at an early age, and captivate your heart for His purposes. I know He created you with great purpose and He has given you such a special little personality and spirit I know He intends for great things! I pray you would come to know your true identity as a REAL princess – a daughter of the one true King.
Ruthie, you are 17 months old and a complete JOY to all who encounter you! Your silly expressions, loving personality, and sometimes shy, cuddly demeanor bless your momma's heart. I couldn't begin to imagine how much laughter, love, and happiness you'd bring to our family when I found out you were on your way. You've been a strong little fighter from the start, and I can see how God has given you a determined spirit I pray will be channeled into the direction He intended for you. You LOVE your sister and already seem to look up to her. I hope you will be the best of friends and encouragers to each other over the years.
One of my favorite times to pray over you girls is at bed time. Last night, as I rocked you before bed Ruthie, I prayed scripture over your life and asked the Lord to draw you to Himself at an early age. Usually, when I finish praying, you say "Amen!" That was one of your very first words! Last night, though, after I finished praying, you lifted your head from my chest, pointed to the ceiling, smiled, and said, "DaDa!" Before I realized you were pointing to the picture of mommy and daddy up on the wall, I thought to myself, "Yes Lord, let her know you as her truest 'DaDa.'" It was a sweet moment, reminding me God truly is our Father.
It is my greatest prayer that the Lord would use my prayers, my testimony, my instruction, and my life to direct you first and foremost to Him. I want to pour God's Word into your hearts while they are soft and pliable. I want to die to my flesh and walk in the spirit so you can see a life lived surrendered to God. I pray I will own up to my sin and my mistakes along the way, all the while pointing you back to our Savior. I am not a perfect mother. But, I know God can use my feeble efforts by the power of His Spirit in me to draw you closer. I am claiming you both for God's great kingdom in prayer and believe with all my heart He has awesome things in store for you both!
When I find myself anxious or worried over your lives, I am comforted knowing God loves you even more than I do (As hard as it is to imagine!) and His purposes will prevail in your lives. You are HIS, not mine. You are simply "on loan" to your father and I in this vapor of a life. May we faithfully guide you to our Savior above all else. May you never be able to deny Who He is after seeing Him in us. May you, in turn, draw others to Jesus.
May my life and yours be lived with this purpose in mind (taken from Psalm 105):
- To give thanks to the Lord
- To sing His praises
- To tell everyone about His wonderful deeds
- To exult in His holy name
- To search for the Lord and continually seek Him
- To remember and proclaim the wonders He has done
He is the Lord our God!
"…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15b
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