Thursday, April 14, 2016

Back in Action!

I remember when I first thought about starting this blog and calling it "Dear Daughters." A friend said I might end up having a son eventually so maybe I should think of another name for it, like "Dear Darlings" or something along those lines. The last time I wrote on this blog was a year and a half ago. Charlie graced our family with his presence seven months ago now and life has been even sweeter with him in it. After a long break from this blog, I've decided to pick it back up again. This is a place for me to sort out my thoughts, document my growing family, and record lessons I learn along the way. It is my hope that my children will be able to read these words one day even after I'm gone and come to know their mother and their childhood all over again.

Today I'm trying to remember all of the things I've already forgotten about my children—their intricacies, habits, favorites, first words and so much more. I want to remember the way they are today.


My first baby. You are turning five years old in a couple of weeks. You are genuinely thoughtful and have a deep desire to please and to do the right thing. You have strong convictions and ideas about life already. I pray you won't lose that as you grow. You are a good "rememberer" like your Daddy, as you like to put it. And you are. God has given you an incredible mind. I pray you will most of all remember that you are loved, no matter what. You love to create. You are learning to draw girls and princesses. You are always so excited to show off your latest creations! You love to make believe. You've taught Ruthie well and I don't know what she is going to do without you during the day when you go to kindergarten soon. And speaking of kindergarten, just as I was anxious at the thought of you being gone from me so much each day, you brought it back into focus when you reminded me that you'd tell others about Jesus at your new school. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the strong faith God has already begun in your heart. I pray that it will grow beyond what I can imagine or even ask for you. You love to twirl, sing, dress up, and wear pajamas. You just learned how to make it across the entire set of monkey bars—something you are quite proud of. You love being a big sister and you're pretty great at it. You think Charlie "turned out to be a pretty cute baby," which you verbalize often. ;) You love quality time, physical touch, family activities and trips. You are a good friend and kind to those around you. And you're quick to remind me when I'm not practicing what I preach! You're one of my most valued little refining fires and God has used you so much in my life already to make me a better person. You are a light my sweet girl.


You are three going on 16. You have brought much laughter and indescribable joy to our home. You love BIG. In fact, you do everything BIG. I pray that you will live life to the fullest and chase hard after God and His plans for you. You are a sweet big sister to Charlie. You take your role seriously. You have a servant's heart and love to help me around the house. You remind me of a little mother sometimes. You are determined, smart, witty, and loving. You are a fighter (always have been) and I can see that God has amazing things in store for your life. I pray that you will come to know and love Him with all of your being. You are independent and industrious. You love to play with your big sister and have no trouble keeping up with the big kids. You are full of passion and I ask the Lord often to direct that passion however He sees fit. You are excited to have Mommy, Ruthie, and Charlie adventures when Ivey starts school, however, I know you will miss your sister's presence throughout the day. She is your "best friend." You are completely loved, Ruthie Gail.


My boy. Every time I think of you I smile in delight. You are a precious gift. You love your momma and I'm relishing in it while I can! You are rolling, scooting and army crawling all over the place. You are a drooling, food loving, nursing and sleeping champ. You give the best kisses and reserve them only for your mother. You are fascinated by everything your big sisters do and I know you will learn a lot from them in the years to come. I pray that you will be a mighty man of valor, walking blameless before your God during the days ahead. I pray that you will love the Lord with all of your heart, remain pure in a perverse world, and be a man of character and principle with deep convictions and a strong faith. I pray that you will have a respect for women that stems from your relationship with your sisters as you grow into a man. May you be a true man in a world full of boys. And may you never stop loving your Momma. ;)

Behold, children are a gift of the lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5