Somehow, that old refrigerator (as in only 6 years but who's counting) trips the downstairs breaker from time to time turning itself completely off when we least expect it. The first time I discovered this unfortunate situation, I found a giant bag of frozen mixed berries in the freezer completely melted. So much for those smoothies! Just when we think it's safe to store some food in it again, it trips the breaker and totally shuts down. Bottom line is, it's unreliable, it's using up more energy than it's worth, and it's become a nuisance rather than a help.
In all honesty, after a busy Easter weekend, this morning was the first morning in several days I managed to get up early enough to take in God's Word and sit in His presence. Last night I found myself frustrated, anxious, stressed, and feeling guilty because I knew I had been short-tempered with you girls and easily agitated that day. I was letting my focus shift from what I know to be true, that God will provide for all of our needs and is in total control of our lives, to worrying and showing a complete lack of trust in the God who, even though He doesn't have to, has proven himself faithful time and time again.