Dear Daughters,
I want to reinforce something your father and I tell you every day of your lives. You are beautiful, fun, unique, special, one of a kind, gifted, and made in the very image of God. He created you just the way you are and has such a special plan for your life! From the moment you each took your first breath on this earth, mommy and daddy have loved you and been forever thankful to God for you! I love seeing the creativity of the one who created each of you as I watch you grow and develop into the individuals He made you to be!
I think you are perfectly lovely and so does God.
I want you to remember that, because one day you might not believe it any more. One day, the sweet innocence I see in each of you as you rest in the fact that you are loved and valued by us and by your creator may be gone. It may not seem like enough any more.