Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"It wasn't a burning bush…it was a stupid refrigerator"

We are currently renting a three-level town home. When we sold our Memphis house, we were able to keep our refrigerator since the new owners had their own. That refrigerator was our first purchase as a married couple, so oddly enough, it was kind of sentimental to me. We have it down in the garage and our plan was to use it for food overflow and drinks, but it hasn't worked out quite like we'd hoped.

Somehow, that old refrigerator (as in only 6 years but who's counting) trips the downstairs breaker from time to time turning itself completely off when we least expect it. The first time I discovered this unfortunate situation, I found a giant bag of frozen mixed berries in the freezer completely melted. So much for those smoothies! Just when we think it's safe to store some food in it again, it trips the breaker and totally shuts down. Bottom line is, it's unreliable, it's using up more energy than it's worth, and it's become a nuisance rather than a help. 

In all honesty, after a busy Easter weekend, this morning was the first morning in several days I managed to get up early enough to take in God's Word and sit in His presence. Last night I found myself frustrated, anxious, stressed, and feeling guilty because I knew I had been short-tempered with you girls and easily agitated that day. I was letting my focus shift from what I know to be true, that God will provide for all of our needs and is in total control of our lives, to worrying and showing a complete lack of trust in the God who, even though He doesn't have to, has proven himself faithful time and time again.

This morning, as I remembered I left some groceries in the downstairs refrigerator yesterday after a quick grocery run before I had to head to the pre-school carpool line, I immediately thought to myself, "if that stupid refrigerator turned off again in the middle of the night I will be so mad!" I made my coffee, then sat down to read my bible. I was reading in Jeremiah this morning and something interesting stood out to me. God used very practical, everyday situations to speak to Jeremiah, make certain points, and then pass on those words to the Israelites. As my mind wandered toward that thought, I remembered how Jesus often spoke in parables during his ministry on earth and constantly gave practical life lessons in ways the people would understand. Then I remembered the refrigerator…

What is its problem? It's not broken, it's just unreliable hooked up to its current power source. We put food in, it stays on long enough for us to reconsider trusting it's performance, then before we know it, we have melted berries. I am far too often like that refrigerator. I'm unreliable. I take in spiritual food, sometimes very consistently, and then before you know it, it's been days (or dare I say longer) that I've failed to feast on God's word or spend time with the one who sustains me, making it quite evident in the rotten things that come out. Can I be trusted with a word from the Lord? Can I be depended on to cultivate and preserve the word of God in my heart or will it become a rotten stench in His nostrils in the way I go on ignoring His truth. Just as the refrigerator preserves physical food in order to feed our growing family, is the spiritual food deposited into my soul being then poured out in order to feed those around me, or am I holding it in, letting it waste away inside me?

I know when I've heard from the Holy Spirit because when He speaks, it is life-giving and draws me closer to God. When our enemy speaks, it heaps piles of guilt, condemnation, feelings of unworthiness, and drives a wedge between us and our creator. I know that feeling and have allowed myself to live in that pit far too often. I am thankful God knows I am unreliable, and yet, He still desires an intimate relationship with me. May He make me more and more like himself. He is never lacking in dependability. 

This gentle reminder from the Lord spurs me on in my faith, reminds me of the utmost importance to stay "plugged in" to my true source of power, and not allow His word to sit and sour in my heart. May I become more like Him so that I can be depended on to preserve the word He's given and faithfully share it with others in my sphere of influence. May my husband and children not get the rotten stench of my flesh, but the pleasing aroma of Christ in me. 


  1. That's a really awesome way to looking at it. Enjoyed this a lot. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a great way to start my morning, Lindsey!

  3. Don't you just love how God does that? He shows up in the marvelous and the mundane... and will meet us where we are if we will just "open our eyes and unspeakable that won't go away..."
    Excited to see you blogging! Keep up the good work! :o)
